Godslayer615 2023: Halloween one-shots - A Nihilistic inside a Immortal Killer (2025)


This is Quinn he is 23 and he has been diagnosed with a disease that slowly kills him overtime. But instead of being active and trying to achieve his life goals, Quinn just sits in his bed waiting for death...

Quinn: My days are numbered I sit still vegetative, my legs are itching but I couldn't be bothered, my guardian angel's testy they're doing overtime, my insides churning slime bones eaten by enzymes.

However when Quinn saw a job offering for being a night guard at Freddy Fazbear's pizza on the newspaper he knew it was the perfect place. Since he heard about the killings that had happened there along with the weird stuff going on with the animatronics.

Quinn: That sounds like the perfect job for me to end this miserable life.

So Quinn got the job as night guard and went to the place then he looks at the 4 animatronics.

Quinn: But oh, my fluffy friends you can't even comprehend.

Quinn then walks to the office and starts punching the desk quickly his hands start bleeding but he doesn't stop punching.

Quinn: As I stain this desk red, a silly grin you extend. Still I ask a simple request when I ennnd.

Suddenly he hears something move and he stops punching the desk then looks at the cameras to see Bonnie walking towards the office making him happy.

Quinn: Oh, please eat my flesh, please eat my flesh. *Hears Bonnie get closer* Don't leave me to die no wakes, no burials.

Once Bonnie gets to the office he sees Quinn happy which confused the bunny.

Quinn: Oh, take me with you fresh, so please eat my flesh, please eat my flesh! *Puts his knees on the ground and starts pleading* Leave my bones clean dry then gnaw on them as well. So I ask you acquiesce for you to eat my flesh.

Bonnie is confused as he just comes towards Quinn and jumpscares him then knocks him out with a single punch to the face. Then Bonnie drags Quinn's body into the parts and service room where there is a spare Freddy. Bonnie then stifles Quinn into the suit killing him.

Quinn's thoughts: Finally the sweet release of death...

But even though Quinn's body may have died his soul didn't instead it attached itself to the closest human which was: William Afton. Who had come into the restaurant to dismantle the four animatronics and get more remnant.

William: *To self* Today's the big day.

Quinn wakes up in his body and is confused on how he is still alive along with how he is in his body. But Quinn figures that William will die tonight so he doesn't get worry.

Quinn thoughts: Shaking this mortal coil. *Watches William walk towards the animatronics* Like a failing cocoon I declare this person my tomb.

Quinn then proceeds to watch William destroy the animatronics one by one with his axe worrying him...

Quinn thoughts: Starved for days, I know you stand and stare and drool blood.

Then he notices the kids sprits come out of the suits and float towards them then Quinn watches William get cornered by the kids spirits. As a 5th one starts floating towards him scaring William making him back away from the spirit. William then saw the decaying springbonnie suit, puts it on and starts laughing at them suddenly Quinn gains control of his body and says...

Quinn: But I feel I have to go, I'm sorry for being so cruel.

William regains control of his body and is confused on what just happened to him. Suddenly William gets springlocked then falls to the ground and sees the sprits of the children disappear most likely going into heaven something that Quinn wanted.

Quinn thoughts: I know, one day I will get to heaven....

However Quinn and William would have to wait 30 years to be found and put in Fazbear's Fright. Quinn then takes control of William's body and gets up, walks around and eventually sees the phantoms.

Quinn: But oh, my fluffy friends you can't even comprehend as I stain this desk red, a silly grin you extend. Still I ask a simple request, when I end...

Quinn continues walking around Fazbear Fright until he sees Michael making William take over to try and kill him for the first night...

The phantoms: When he ends.

And the second night...

Quinn's thoughts: When I end.

And the third night...

The phantoms: When he ends.

And the fourth night....

Quinn's thoughts: When I end.

And the fifth night...

The phantoms: When he ends.

And the sixth night but on that night Michael set the building on fire and ran as the two saw the fire.

Quinn thoughts: When I ennnnnd!

This makes Quinn take over his body and allowing him to stay in the burning building hoping to die in it as William trys gets his body back and escape.

Quinn: *Softly* Please, oh, please...

Quinn and Michael were hoping that the fire would kill him but it only damaged him turning Quinn and William into Scraptrap. Eventually they end up in another Freddy's building (Fnaf 6) and see Michael again.

Quinn thoughts: Eat my flesh, please eat my flesh. Don't leave me to die no wakes, no burials.

Michael shocks them and puts them in the vent systems for a whole week with the other animatronics till the place gets set on fire.

Quinn thoughts: Oh, take me with you fresh, so please eat my flesh, please eat my flesh!

Scraptrap/William desperately trys to find a exit as the flames start going onto his body scaring William then Quinn takes over his body and sees Molten Freddy and crawls though the vent to him.

Quinn: *To self* Leave my bones clean then gnaw on them as well.

Quinn then gets out of the vent as Molten Freddy slowly turns around and sees him.

Quinn: So I ask you acquiesce... for you to eat my flesh!

But it was too late as both animatronics fell to the ground on fire and that's when Quinn thought he was finally free and was able to go to heaven. But instead he woke up in a handmade golden bunnysuit.

Quinn's thoughts: No, no, no! How is this even possible, I should of died, he should of died!

Quinn said as he realised that William is somehow still alive as he saw the animatronics that stifled him. Then they look at him as Quinn took over William's body and starts crying which makes him glitch all over the place.

(This last one-shot is one I've been wanting to do for a while but never found the right time to make it till now, so I hope you guys liked it.)

Godslayer615 2023: Halloween one-shots - A Nihilistic inside a Immortal Killer (2025)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.