Have you ever gone through a period of time where you saw the same number everywhere? Perhaps your morning coffee costs $3.33, and so does a gallon of gas when you fill up your car. Maybe then you log into your bank account and see the balance is $333. Then, your dinner receipt ends with .33.
It can feel a little freaky or maybe otherworldly. Don’t worry—you’re not being Punk’d! It’s just the universe giving you a little nudge with some lucky numbers, say numerologists.
Numerology, or the study of the meaning of numbers, traces back centuries. It is an excellent enhancement to one's spiritual practice that can point you in the right direction when you’re feeling lost, says Inbaal Honigman, celebrity psychic and numerologist based in London.
Take, for example, Emily Ridout, an astrologer and numerologist who started seeing repeated numbers all over the place once she started considering a career change. At the time, Ridout was thinking of moving from a more stable profession to her current line of work. “I saw so many repeated 7s,” she recalls. “And, of course, I was studying [numerology], so I knew that was a good sign.”
Meet the Experts:
Inbaal Honigman
is a celebrity psychic, numerologist, and tarot card reader based in London, UK.
Emily Ridout is an astrologer, numerologist, and yoga teacher.
Ready to get lucky by getting those digits? Here's everything you need to know about lucky numbers, according to Ridout and Honigman.
How do you find lucky numbers in numerology?
Easy—lucky numbers are everywhere. You just need to open your eyes to them, says Ridout.
“We live in a world of numbers and letters,” says Ridout. “Between signs on the road to captions on Instagram, we are very adept at interpreting both.”
So next time you are driving down the highway and notice three cars in a row have license plates with repeating sevens, or the mailbox you pass reads the address 444, you can embrace a bit of worldly magic. Honigman also suggests people watch for numbers on receipts, prescriptions, and other more random occurrences.
Ridout also recommends that people slow down and note what was on their minds when they saw the lucky number. It can be tempting to grab the nearest iPhone and post your newfound luck on IG stories—and there is no shame in that game. But if you reflect on what was on your mind at that moment, you may get more out of this little message from the universe.
A word on times: Honigman notes that while seeing 11:11 (or other repeated numbers) on the clock is exciting, and could be a sign, take it with a grain of salt. If you’re staring at your phone constantly (guilty), odds are you’ll catch a couple of repeating digits throughout the day.
What are the top 10 lucky numbers?
Anytime you see the numbers 0 through 9 repeated, it has a meaning, says Ridout.
“The numbers all mean something specific and will provide you with the medicine or the information you need,” she adds. Some other majorly lucky numbers include:
The number 108 is among Ridout’s favorites and one that she considers especially lucky. This is a sacred number in yoga and astrology that represents “the sum total of the cosmic forces being active in working with the totality of human experience,” she says. To translate, that basically means the power of the cosmos, and all of the energy is on your side! What could be better?
Repeated 1's or 1111 is a popular lucky number (I even own a pair of earrings bearing these digits)—and for good reason. It means, to borrow a phrase from the iconic 2006 cinematic masterpiece High School Musical, the start of something new! 1111 shows “your alignment with your primal will of life,” explains Ridout. “It means you are in the flow.”
Lucky 7's—which of course, can win you a lot of money on a slot machine—are another good sign. If you’re seeing a lot of 7's, it means you are stepping into abundance and that your higher self is calling you to leave behind your scarcity mindset, says Ridout.
The number 8 is significant in Kundalini and many other spiritual practices. It represents infinity and everything working together in harmony. The number 8 can also be a reminder to raise your vibration if you’ve been having negative thoughts, Ridout says.
If you’ve been at the top of your game lately, it’s possible you are seeing a lot of 9's, the number of self-mastery, says Ridout. This number reminds us that we are capable of whatever the current challenge is in front of us—be it traffic or a performance review at work.
Feeling really zenned out lately? Maybe you’ve been hitting your hot yoga and breathwork classes regularly or are simply just feeling calmer and more confident in your life. You may start to see the number 3, says Ridout. This number means you are aligned with your highest self and that “things are about to get good—even better than you imagined,” she adds.
The number 2, or any repetition of it, is a good sign, says Honigman. That’s because 2's represent potential, says Ridout: “This tells us you have more at your disposal than you think.”
Don’t let the Halloween movies fool you—the number 13 is a number of love, unity, and the divine feminine, says Ridout. This is particularly lucky, because it also represents the number of full moons in a year (13)!
This one might seem a little random, but Ridout says it is actually quite powerful: “This number is related to humanity and the fact that we are able to call in and share light.”
When you see this sequence of numbers, it tells you you’re moving the right direction, says Honigman. This also applies to any number in a sequence, like 1234567, 2468, 1357, etc.
What is the luckiest number?
Ridout hesitates to name a “luckiest number” because the messages one receives from numerology are very time- and situationally-sensitive. “They are all external reflections of you,” she explains. “So whatever you are getting is the luckiest thing for you.”
Honigman agrees— there is no one number that is better than all the rest. However, any sequence of repeated numbers (1111,2222,3333, etc.) is lucky. “This is the greatest sign you can get,” she says.
That said, Honigman also considers 4's a particularly important number in numerology. She calls this a stable number. “Imagine you have a stool,” she says. “If you have four legs, you are even.”
What makes certain numbers lucky and others unlucky?
Both Honigman and Ridout say there are no unlucky numbers—even horror movie mainstay 666.
There are, however, numbers you might not want to see. For example, if you have started to think about breaking up with your partner and notice your bodega breakfast costs $12.34, it might be overwhelming. You may start to feel pressured by things outside yourself. But don’t panic, says Ridout. The numbers come in peace. They are whispers from the universe, rather than edicts.
How can knowing your lucky numbers help you in life?
Knowing lucky numbers is like having a secret. If you believe in numerology and receive messages from external spiritual sources, Honigman says it can be like a fun little game. Next time your tab at the bar adds up to $22.22, you may get a few butterflies in your stomach. Someone—or something—is trying to tell you you are headed on the right path.
And isn’t life always more fun if you believe in a little bit of magic?
Jacqueline Tempera
Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at jackietempera.com.