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Volume » Published by DC Comics. Started in 2007.
Short summary describing this volume.
Wonder Woman: Amazons Attack last edited by williamsburger on 01/26/20 08:28AM View full history
Over a year since the events of INFINITE CRISIS, Wonder Woman's Amazon Sisters have retreated to the realm of the gods. But now the Amazons are back, screaming for vengeance. What could compel the Amazons to renounce their peaceful ways and attack the United States? The answers will prove useless to a country whose super-powered protectors are utterly unprepared for this savage attack. And where is Wonder Woman while her sisters threaten to destroy a nation?
Wonder Woman Vol. 3is collected in the following HC/paperback titles:
- Wonder Woman: Who Is Wonder Woman?- (#1-4, Annual #1)
- Wonder Woman: Love And Murder- (#6-10)
- Wonder Woman: Amazons Attack- ( Amazons Attack mini-series)
- Wonder Woman: The Circle- (#14-19)
- Wonder Woman: Ends Of The Earth- (#20-25)
- Wonder Woman: Rise Of The Olympian- (#26-33)
- Wonder Woman: Warkiller- (#34-39)
- Wonder Woman: Contagion- (#40-44)
- Wonder Woman: Odyssey- (#600-606)
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1 issues in this volume Add Issue Reverse sort
- Issue #1 Wonder Woman:Amazons Attack July 1, 2009
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